The Fendi 8BH134 Shoppers Zip Tote Bag was one of our most popular bag's this last week.
It's sometimes surprises us when all of a sudden a bag becomes so popular. We wonder if a famous celebrity was pictured wearing it, or it had a mention in a news editorial or just a random occurrence.
Anyway, we'd like to shaare with you some of the unique features that maybe attracting a lot of attention to this Fendi Tote Bag.
It includes
- Fendi 8BH134 Tote in Black "FF" print fabric with double leather handles.
- Top secures with a zipper closure.
- Gold hardware engraved with FENDI.
- Interior is fully lined and features a pocket.
- The Fendi hologram is attached to the Authenticity Label inside the bag, and the serial number is embossed on a leather tag.
Also it measures 12"W x 10" H x 4" D; Straps: 16" 12 inches wide by 10 inches high and 4 inches deep. Its straps also measure 16 inches.
This might be the tote bag you been looking for. The Fendi 8BH134 Tote will definitely make a great addition to your authentic designer handbags collection.
Fendi Handbags Large Black Leather Tote 8BN191
Fendi 8BH134 Shoppers Zip Tote Bag is very nice its been popular just yesterday but I have been seen that in the near future it will be more popular as it is, its a nice collection of Contemporary Upscale Women's Clothing & Accessories, the style is very elagant and easy to use...prefect for any parties...