It is an official fact of nature and statistics that women love shopping. While shopping for most men is an activity that is energy draining and burdensome, women find shopping a liberating experience and enjoy the thrill of discovering new products and services.
Women especially love designer dresses, handbags or accessories that they can show off to their friends and colleagues. The female specie particularly loves it when they can find the latest designer bag or shoe or product on sale and at a ridiculous discount.
Still, spending a Saturday afternoon going from shop to shop, finding designer item after designer item and going home with a couple of shopping bags plus a big fat smile on your face only represents one side of the coin to the shopping experience. You might wonder what could be on the other side of the equation. Well, a ladies joy is never fully realized after her shopping expedition until she receives the admiration and complements from her friends regarding the 'spoils' she caught in the shopping mall jungle.
When you think of it, it does make sense (at least from a lady's point of view) that there should be two sides of the equation when it comes to shopping. After all, what is the use of getting those beloved Gucci 189833 Beige Brown Large D Gold Hobo Bag you've dreamed about for ages, if no one is going to bat an eyelid in your direction when you attend a social function?
Most women do not just seek the thrill of getting a designer handbag, dress or shoe at a remarkable discount but also desire the social endorsement from friends and colleagues to prove that the latest addition to their designer collection is a winner.
Below are 10 things that people will say or do to prove that your new designer handbag, dress or shoe was worth all the hassle on that Saturday afternoon.
1. Your friends ask if you can take them to the shop or boutique where you bought your designer shoes or purse.
2. A few days after you buy your designer handbag, you open up your favorite magazine and see a very popular female celebrity carrying your bag.
3. You burst your colleague's bubble by revealing you got the same Gucci shoes at a 75% discount to what she got them for.
4. Heads slowly begin to turn in your direction as you sashay into a room with your new floral print dress.
5. All the customers who come into your office demand to speak to you whenever they come in.
6. You overhear two waiters fighting over who will serve you at local restaurant. It probably has something to do with the new Vera Wang perfume you are wearing for the first time.
7. People mistake you for a celebrity whenever you wear your Gucci sunglasses.
8. Your best friend keeps begging to pay you 10 times the value of your Gucci Sukey bag so she can carry it to a party.
9. The porters at the airport bypass your Mum and girlfriends and ask to carry your new Louis Vuitton traveling bags.
10. A random lady chases you down the street and asks if you are a model as she would like you to be the face of a popular global brand.
So there you have it. Ten social endorsements to prove that you made a wise choice when you went on your last shopping spree. Do you have any special signs?
Are you really looking to make an impression at the next party or event you go to? Then you need to arm yourself with an authentic designer handbag that will give you all the social endorsements you deserve.
Discover the Gucci Sukey Black 211943 Bag.
A bag that will make your friends go green with envy and cause heads to turn in your direction. Are you getting tired of your Designer Handbag collection? Then feast your eyes on a huge range of Fendi Spy Handbags plus other designer purses from Gucci, Prada, Miu Miu, Chloe plus much more.
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